
Redback Spider

The redback spider is one of the most commonly encountered venomous spiders in Australia. Identifiable by a red stripe on the rounded body, these spiders prefer warm sheltered locations and prey on insects, including other spiders. Often found in homes, redback spiders have a venomous bite that’s harmful to humans, causing symptoms such as sweating, nausea, vomiting, headache and other serious effects if anti-venom isn’t given.

Spiders in Australia

While the majority of spiders in Australia aren’t toxic to humans, the country is home to several spiders that are dangerous, such as the redback spider, the white tailed spider and the funnel web spider. There are also countless spiders that are harmless but are often encountered and considered to be pests, including the daddy long leg spider and the huntsman spider.

White Tailed Spider

Named after the white tips that appear on the end of their abdomens, white tailed spiders are native to Australia and often live in gardens and inside homes. Their bite can cause local pain, swelling and itchiness, with ulcers and necrosis occurring in some cases due to complications such as infection. Typically most active at night, white tailed spiders feed on other spiders and do not build webs.

Funnel Web Spider

Australian funnel web spiders are medium to large in size and often burrow in cool, sheltered habitats, such as under rocks and logs. There are over 35 sub-species of funnel web spider, with many of these having a bite that’s venomous to humans. Some species such as the Sydney funnel web spider have a potentially deadly bite if antivenom isn’t provided, making prompt first-aid crucial.

Wolf Spiders

Present throughout Australia, wolf spiders typically live on the ground and are often found in gardens and lawns. There are various species of wolf spider, with different types ranging in size. They have excellent eyesight which makes them good at hunting their prey, which can include insects and other spiders. Their bite is usually not serious and often causes pain and itchiness.

Mouse Spiders

The mouse spider, also known as missulena, is found in Australia and is medium to large in size. Their name comes from a belief that they dig deep burrows similar to mice, however this has since been disproven. Preying mostly on insects, some species of mouse spider can have a serious bite similar to the funnel web spider. Fortunately, mouse spiders aren’t as aggressive as funnel webs, and bites to humans are rare.

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Total Control Pest & Weed is a family owned and operated business, which has over 20 years experience in this field.